Please read these guidelines very carefully! Although we check all our customer files for problems, we are not responsible for customers that submit incorrect artwork. To ensure proper output please follow all guidelines! If you have any questions regarding your files, please contact us.
Art supplied: NO CHARGE if file is supplied to our specs. Please advise if SPEC SHEET is required. IF NOT supplied print ready additional hourly artwork rate of $99.00 will apply.
FMF is a PC based print house but Mac platforms are acceptable provided they art build in a specific program they should be sent as a high resolution PDF (text converted to outline) CMYK . We can accept InDesign, Corel Draw, Illustrator and Quark or any similar files by converting them to industry standard graphic formats such as TIF, JPG, or PDF .Your document size should be the same size as the page saver at 100 percent.
Any other program (eg. Word, Power Point &Publisher) will be accepted but well incur an additional cost for re-doing the artwork in our design program. All images must be sent separately at 300 dpi CMYK if possible.
The same file should be supplied as an additional PDF file for visual proofing (object and type can sometimes change appearance once opened with different software). Instructions on how to convert are included below.
File Names
In order to make the pre-flight process more efficient, please use unique file names for files you are submitting. The file name should reflect the job name that was given when ordering. Example: (Your Comapany name) 50x95 Magnets.pdf
Please check your files then double check your files again. If files submitted do not confirm, we will quote you a price for fixing the files (if possible) or you may send us a new disk. Files not prepared properly will not be put into production until they are corrected.
In order to make the pre-flight process more efficient, please use unique file names for files you are submitting. The file name should reflect the job name that was given when ordering. Example: (Your Comapany name) 50x95 Magnets.pdf
Transfer Files
We accept emails of your files but please compress them into one zip or stuff file. Please call before emailing files larger then 9 MB. We can also accept DVD, CD Rom and 1.4MB floppy disks. you may FTP your files to our FTP server. If your file is greater than 50MB please call us before sending. Label your case and disk with your company name.
We DO NOT proof read your document. FMF will submit electronic proofs for the customer's review and approval. Adpost will NOT be responsible for undetected errors and if re-prints are required they'll incur normal printing prices.
If you do not supply a printout, you accept full responsibility for the printing outcomes. It is understood that the CMYK values built into the files is what will be printed. FMF will not check for colour accuracy for files to printout. (Example: If your monitor and printout shows a dark blue with CMYK colour of 100M, 80C and it prints a dark purple, it is a result of the file. 100M, 80C will produce a dark purple.)
Electronic Images
It is the customer's responsibility to maintain a copy of the original file. Files are to be supplied according to FMF's specifications and any additional translating, editing or programming will be charged at prevailing rates.
All text should be converted to outlines or paths when possible. By converting fonts to outline or paths in programs like Illustrator and FreeHand, you will avoid having to send the fonts with your files. When converting to outlines or paths, the text becomes a vector shape and will look no different than its original state. If it's not possible to convert to outlines or paths please send us then fonts in a zipped file.
Please note that artwork created in Photoshop, the text can be rasterized and therefore does not need the fonts. Keep in mind that after rasterizing text, no changes can be made to the text.
Your print files should be designed in the size that is being ordered. We assume that you desire what you have designed, and the files will be re-sized in accordance to the job. We will not stretch and enlarge a file unless at your request.
Images and Resolution

All images are to be saved as CMYK values as TIFF or JPEG. Do not save as RGB. Do not compress the images in LZW format. The resolution of each image should be 300dpi at their final size. All images are to be updated and linked. Do not make the setting for halftone screens or transfer functions unless you are looking die a special effect. We are a high resolution printer so we require all submitted files to be 300dpi (Dots Per Inch). If you design a job at 72dpi or lower we cannot use the file. Customized Images- Fridge Magnet Factory Australia
Our prepress will resize it to 300dpi therefore "stretching" the image out. See the examples opposite where one image was created at 300dpi, the other was created at 72dpi and then stretched out to 300dpi.
If possible, please supply vectorised graphics, they are more easily prepared for print. Any Bitmap images are best linked to the EPS file and supplied additionally. Please leave a 3mm bleed on all bitmaps. No need to add overprint to your artwork.
About 3mm on all sides will be trimmed off. Everything that extends past the original canvas size is considered a bleed. Make sure you do not have any important content in this area. Adjust your canvas size to compensate for this; allow another 3mm.
Although our cutting staff is extremely precise, we can't guarantee any print job without the added bleed. There are no exceptions. Also, please keep your text at least 5mm away from the edge of the piece unless it is an eighth page or smaller. If you have any questions regarding this policy you may call us.

The trim area is a space of 3mm after the bleed. Its purpose is to separate any text or important content from the edge.
Colour Matching
Due to variables involved in the printing processes, inaccuracies caused by inconsistent viewing conditions, colour perception and many other variables, matching PMZ colours, supplied samples or full colour proofs is not guaranteed and a reasonable variation between these and the completed job is to be expected. When a variabtion od this kind occurs, it will be considered acceptable performance. It your artwork contains lots of different colours (including shades of colours) Please use CMYK colours. If there are only 3 or less colours, use Pantone Spot colours.
There are two types of colour spaces that are used for graphic and print design:
RGB - (Red, Green, Blue) These are the colours your monitor uses to display everything.
CMYK - (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) These are the colours used for printing.
Colour shifts are usually not visible in colour photographs; however, rich and solid colours (like a background) can be affected by a colour conversion. Most of the time, colour shifts are minor and may not be noticeable.

This is how it looks on monitor

This is how it looks when it is printed.
Colour Trapping
Colour Trapping is essential for producing quality, multicolour printing and to avoid the white gaps that occur from misalignment of colour plates on the press. All submitted layouts and art must be trapped where different areas of colour meet. Submitted art should be trapped in at the application used to create it. Set up your traps using the same process CMYK or Pantone colors that will be used in printing.
All traps should be set to a minimum of .5pt. Remember to spread the lighter color into the darker color
Colour Build Black

If you have small, thin text on your piece, it is STRONGLY recommended that you do not use 4-color build black on your piece. Using 4-colour text on areas will make your text blurry and at tumes, unreadable. Process printing uses 4 plattes that overlay to make your full colour spectrum on your paper. Although precise, the registration of the 4-plates will shift during the print process. If you use all 4 colours to create your black, they will not line-up precisely, creating a ghosting affect.
This is especially evident on small text, or small lines 12pt and smaller. In order to fix this, WE REQUIRE THAT ALL TEXT BE CREATED AS 100% BLACK, 0% CYAN, 0% MAGENTA, 0% YELLOW. This way, as plates shift, it will not affect the black colour.