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Top Fridge Magnets Everyone Should Have

We all know that fridge magnets are one of the most popular items used by advertisers in their marketing communication to promote their brand, products, or services. There is one question that many people have: does it really works?

Although some advertisers say there is no guarantee, the fridge magnets have a very successful track record for a number of reasons.

First, because of their versatility, the fridge magnets stay a very long time in front of our eyes. Second, they can be bought as they are or can be fully customized depending on your business needs and budget. Third, with a little bit of imagination and ability, anyone can design and make a fully customized fridge magnet.

Anyway, although I was not a great  fan of the fridge magnets, I have received some of them from my friends. The cutest items are a frame photo, a soft monkey and an inspirational fridge magnet that includes some positive beliefs.

Because I have written about fridge magnets design, I found many  interesting ideas. But I think the mini terrariums and the organizing box are the most interesting among them.

So, the question is: excepting their advertising role, are the fridge magnets something we should have?

Some of us would say yes, other would say no. It depends on your preferences and space. For those who have small kitchens, the fridge magnets are definitely a blessing.

Attached is a list of top fridge magnets I consider everyone should have:

Storage fridge magnet

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You may buy standard organizer fridge magnets or you could make your own fully customized fridge magnets. Recycle some cans and you will get cool storage spaces. Definitely, you will love to use them and you will find your stuff easy.

 Green plants

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If you want to bring green into your kitchen, the mini green plants are ideal. Use the mini terrariums or recycle the wine corks, fill them with earth and mini plants in order to create these beautiful fridge magnets.

Fridge magnet converters




I watched a few American and British cooking shows but the temperatures and the measurements are always different. I would like to have these fridge magnet converters on my fridge door and I think these are great ways to work out!

Bottle opener




This fridge magnet is one of the most useful fridge magnets you can have. It is the ideal item for this situation when you want to drink something cold.

Digital video fridge magnet




It’s now time for the digital video fridge magnet. This item allows you to store up to 30 seconds of video in its memory for leaving messages for others at home.

To get it work you just look into the camera, hit a button and record your message.

Inspirational fridge magnet

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 If you believe you need help in getting your motivation, these fridge magnets will be definitely the items you would love to have.

Scrabble fridge magnets

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If you just love scrabble or have kids and communicate with them in a funny way, this set of scrabble fridge magnets is what you need.  They will take their time while you do something else in the kitchen or maybe they will try to make you a shopping list.

Menu plan fridge magnets

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What’s for dinner? Or…. What could I cook tomorrow? If you want to avoid this annoying question and the last minute guesswork when prepare meals, you should have this menu planner fridge magnets. You can feed your family the way you want to and also save money on groceries as you buy just the things you will really use, letting no food to waste.

Games for kids

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Your children will love these colorful and funny fridge magnets. They will take their time playing with them and you can do your tasks.

Shopping list

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Having different sizes and designs, the magnetic shopping lists are one of the most popular and useful magnetic items.

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